Acclaimed independent documentary and drama producer Carolyn Johnson has joined the The Greatest Air Race team as a consulting executive producer.
Carolyn co-produced Tanna, an Oscar-nominated award-winning feature set in Vanuatu with director/writer/producers Bentley Dean and Martin Butler. Tanna has screened in over 25 festivals and won numerous awards including the Audience Award at Venice Critics Week. In 2017 Tanna was nominated for Best Foreign Language film at the Academy Awards.
In 2007 she produced, script-edited, and co-distributed the acclaimed feature film Son of a Lion, which won awards and screened in festivals around the world and in Australia.
Her documentary credits include A Law Unto Himself (ABC1, 2012), Stumbling in Hillary's Footsteps(ABC1, 2013), the landmark 4 x 1hr series First Footprints (2013, ABC/Arte), Over The Edge(NITV), Are You My Mother (2 x 52mins, 2009, SBS), and Divorce: Aussie Islamic Way (55 mins, 2011, ABC).
Banner image: South Australian Aviation Museum image library